Atomic Robo needs a kickstart

Lots of cool rewards, a new trailer, and the movie will be free to everyone once it’s done. Help us out, won’t you?


Be there or else!

Unless you live somewhere far away. Then you can’t be blamed. Merely pitied.

I’ll be hanging out with the guys from Nerdy Show. We’ll have Robo stuff from A Comic Shop and we’ve got a panel Sunday at 3pm.

Drop by, say hi, get loaded (with merch).

2012: The Plan So Far

I Twittered this earlier today, but here it is in official blog format. In no particular order:

1. My novel Nuklear Age will be available on Kindle and Nook. For, like, 1/10th the original cover price because fuck that noise. Also, it’s out of print so this’ll be the only way to get it!
1a. Oh yeah, someone asked for a Google Books version, so that’ll happen too.

2. Gonna bring back How I Killed Your Master updates.
2a. This will not affect updates of Matt’s The Dreadful.

3. Gonna write non-comics fiction. Short stories? Small novels? Dunno!

4. Gonna finish that Atomic Robo film.

Wherein I keep pushing you away

My endless campaign of sending you to other places for entertainment like a goddamn moron continues!

Take a gander at Lady Sabre and the Pirates of the Ineffable Aether. It’s got swordplay, guns, airships, and lots of starched collars. Start at the beginning, why not.

Nuka Break Episode 6!

Sorry for the delay, ladies and germs, but here’s the last episode of the first season of Nuka Break.

Miss an episode or just wanna catch up? Booya.