
We should be back to regular Monday and Friday updates of How I Killed Your Master starting this week.

Sorry for the delay, folks. Matt was a little busy with a side project and then we wanted to get a buffer going on HIKYM before we started going live with new pages.

Meanwhile, look how busy we’ve been with Nerdy Show.

What else is going on?

The first issue (of four) of The Avengers and the Infinity Gauntlet ought to hit in August. There’s other big Marvel news, but I can’t talk about that yet so I’ll shift gears real quick by saying the collected edition of Volume 4: Atomic Robo and Other Strangeness should be out this summer (were I an actual pro, I’d have the date on hand, but nope!). And we’re on schedule to have the first issue of Volume 5: Atomic Robo and the Deadly Art of Science debut in November.

So, yeah. Stayin’ busy!