Simply dreadful

In case you missed it, the first page of Matt’s new comic The Dreadful went up yesterday. And the second page popped today!

I think from here on out you can expect to see Dreadful pages on Mondays and Thursdays. Meanwhile, How I Killed Your Master will continue to show up on Tuesdays.

We’ve been sent concerns about this new comic getting in the way of HIKYM‘s already less-than-stable update schema. It really shouldn’t be an issue. HIKYM gets backed up every so often because two-thirds of the people making it, Jeff Powell and m’self — are often jammed up with real world print deadlines that have to take priority over online content.

Meanwhile, Matt is the sole writer, artiste, and letterer on The Dreadful, so he can tinker away on those pages in between lulls in his other projects. When he’s got more HIKYM scripts to grind out, then he’ll switch gears and make that happen.