The homestretch!

We’re nearly done with the Atomic Robo hardcover reprint Kickstarter campaign.

Here’s the current list of stretch goals…

What an assortment of neat things WOW.

The campaign ends this Friday, June 5th, at 5pm Eastern. So, get to it!

Little update


Matt Speroni’s The Dreadful is on hiatus. Our cobbled together version of ComicPress only sorta ever worked, and now that we swapped servers it’s gone into full on Not Gonna Work mode. It’s just as well since Matt broke his damn drawing arm in three places, like, the day before we found out ComicPress was being goofy.

I can’t tell if that’s a lucky coincidence or not. On the one hand, no one’s to blame for the hiatus since it’d be happening either way. On the other hand, ouch. Get well soon, Matt.

In sunnier news, the Atomic Robo Hardcovers Kickstarter Campaign s going well. Scott shared some of the process behind the redesign for a couple covers here and here. The next stretch goal will bump the pagecount of THE SECRET FILES OF DR. DINOSAUR in every volume from four to six for fifty-four pages total.

There’s a stack of more stretch goals planned, and oh my goodness, we’re getting into some amazing territory soon.

Atomic Robo, now in hardcover flavors

Hey, hey.

In the spirit of sharing cool Kickstarters with you cool kids (haha, yeah right), I’m going to commit to some major conflict of interest and show you what we’ve been working on for a while now.

We uploaded the entire Atomic Robo back catalog as a webcomic. This week we’re updating with The Trial of Atomic Robo, our very first online debut.

Next week we’re starting with the first full volume to debut online, Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire. It’s the Jason Bourne meets Pacific Rim crossover fanfic you didn’t know you always wanted.

To celebrate, we’re bringing Atomic Robo back into print with HARDCOVERS. Check it out.

And we’re back

Sorry about the site disappearing last week.

But we’re back! We’ll get things rolling again soon.

Not a game today

Okay, so.

My buddy John has a dog. See?


His name is Snickers. Don’t hold that against him — the dog or John, I mean.

Anyway, Snickers was recently diagnosed with cancer. I figured: you guys helped us out with Charlie when he was sick, maybe you’ll be inclined to help out with Snickers too. Check out the gofundme campaign for more info.